
The 15 Best Harry Potter Characters That Everyone Adores

The 15 Best Harry Potter Characters That Everyone Adores

Harry Potter is one of the most popular and successful film series of all time. In 2001, the world was introduced to the Harry Potter film series. It has attracted a huge audience of Harry Potter aficionados since its inception. The following are the Best 15 Harry Potter Characters: 

Harry Potter

harry Potter

Harry James Potter, without a doubt, should be at the top of this list. Harry’s good heart and fearlessness in safeguarding the people and places he loves are two of his most admirable characteristics. Harry’s childhood was marked by sorrow and loss from the moment he was born, when his parents were murdered and he was forced to live with his harsh and emotionally abusive aunt and uncle until he was accepted into Hogwarts. Despite his popularity and authority in the wizarding world, audiences watch Harry suffer in practically every film, yearning for a loving family. He was brave, and most kids in the 1990s and 2000s aspired to be like him. Even yet, his short temper during his adolescent years might be irritating.

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger was the most stunning young witch in the series. She’s an excellent character for young people and one of the franchise’s most compassionate characters. She is a dedicated and intelligent wizard who enjoys upstaging her classmates. Hermione’s tenacity, bravery, and loyalty makes her so endearing. Regardless of what others say about Harry and Ron, she stands by their side and works tirelessly for what she feels is right. Hermione Granger is undeniably a gifted, powerful witch who continues to astound us with her knowledge, powers, and, well. Hermione may have been born into a Muggle family, but it doesn’t stop her from being a badass witch. 

Severus Snape

Severus Snape

One of the most controversial characters in the whole Harry Potter series is Severus Snape. Harry is his favorite target for bullying since he is moody, bitter, and sneering. “Always”.Whenever the cold and mysterious Potions professor is mentioned, this is the term that comes to mind. He was the bestest character in the series because of his ability to communicate through facial expressions and body language instead of words. In a very emotional way, the final film displays his genuine reason and strong connection to Harry. 



Dobby is an unpleasant figure who spent the majority of his life in servitude. Dobby is the nicest, most selfless, and most devoted character in the Harry Potter series. He is a house-elf who has spent much of his life serving the Malfoy family. He was Harry’s loyal friend, and he assisted him in a number of difficulties. Dobby, despite his diminutive stature, displays bravery all the way up to his tragic death. He has a minor role, yet he has an effect on the audience that none of the other important characters have.

Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood is one of those characters that your pals either scowled at or admired wholeheartedly. Luna Lovegood is regarded as an oddball and outcast among the Hogwarts students. She is a student who the others appear to admire because of her daring attitude to any issue. Luna, aside from Dobby, is the cutest of the lot. Harry considers her a true friend, and her weirdness just adds to her appeal.

Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin

Lupin was a fantastic character and human being. Remus Lupin was one of James Potter’s closest friends, and he is dedicated to keeping Harry Potter safe. He is a wise, powerful, and courageous wizard. Remus Lupin spent the most of his life attempting to keep his werewolf identity hidden from the public eye, fearful that his condition would harm others. As proven by his friendships as a Hogwarts student and thereafter as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Lupin’s seclusion was definitely a mistake. 

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy

Malfoy was nothing more than a bully for the first several years of Harry Potter. When Voldemort was not there, he contributed the villainous flavor to the films. Draco demonstrated to the audience that changing one’s self is never too late. Malfoy’s human side was never revealed until the very end, when the want to be to be villain found himself in over his head. He seemed to be a bully, but he clearly feels guilty and just doesn’t want to be a death eater in the past several movies.

Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom is, without a doubt, one of Harry Potter’s most underrated characters. Shyness, awkwardness, and absent-mindedness are all characteristics that describe Neville Longbottom. Neville is the kid in class who is often targeted by bullies. Viewers have to applaud Neville’s bold stand against Voldemort, especially given the fact that his parents were murdered by Voldemort. He appeared to be an awkward character when he initially arrived at Hogwarts. He afterwards evolved into a valiant hero who defeated the greatest enemy of all time when he stepped out. His character trajectory, on the other hand, is possibly the most compelling of any Harry Potter character.

Sirius Black

Sirius Black

Sirius Black is a beloved character in the Harry Potter universe. Because Sirius used to be one of James and Lily Potter’s greatest friends, Sirius is one of Harry’s closest relatives and father figures. It was heartwarming to watch Sirius expose himself to Harry as a loving and caring family member, as well as to see them combat Voldemort and his henchmen side by side. Sirius is one of the most compelling characters due to his determination to set things straight for those he loved, despite the fact that he died tragically and didn’t get much screen time.

Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley

Ron is one of the nicest and most generous people you will ever meet, funny and clever, a fantastic son and brother. Ron Weasley is one of Harry’s closest friends who remains by his side throughout the movie’ craziness. He repeatedly overcomes his fears, establishing himself as one of the series’ most underappreciated characters. He and Hermione had far more chemistry than Harry and Ginny ever had. 

Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is a major character in the Harry Potter series. He was the epitome of patience, knowledge, counsel, and bravery. There have been several divisive fan theories about him. He’s been there for Harry from the beginning. He can be deceiving at times, but he always has Harry’s best interests at heart. His guidance and protection assist Harry in navigating the wizarding world as the kid who survived. Overall, Dumbledore was a fantastic character. 

Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort

In the Harry Potter series, Voldemort is the ultimate villain. He embodies everything Harry, Dumbledore, and a slew of other characters are up against. Voldemort is the reason Harry is an orphan, as he was the one who murdered Harry’s parents and attempted to murder him as a child. The dramatic confrontation between Voldemort and Harry in the final film of the series was incredible. Voldemort’s ultimate objective throughout the films is to become the world’s undisputed most powerful wizard and to terrorise the entire planet. Simultaneously, he is obsessed with assassinating Harry, the only person he has ever attempted and failed to kill. He is the most evil spirit on the face of the earth.

Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange is cold, wicked, and nasty, and she exudes an evil aura. Bellatrix’s character is just as evil as Voldemort’s, but she expresses it in various ways. Bellatrix takes great pride in being one of Voldemort’s most trusted advisors as well as a Death Eater. She then escapes after many years in the Azkaban prison and assists Voldemort in gaining control of the entire globe. She broke out of prison, murdered her cousin, mistreated Hermione, murdered Dobby, and attempted everything in her power to make us detest her even more than Umbridge.

Fred And George Weasley

Fred And George Weasley

The sarcastic Weasley twins were the most amusing characters in the series. They are naturally optimistic and enjoy life. They are both Gryffindor house students at Hogwarts and become close friends with Harry Potter as they assist him in fighting bad creatures and causing problems at the school. They were constantly on Harry’s side and making fun of Ron. The humorous relief they provide throughout the films, as well as many of their quotable one-liners, is one of the key reasons why fans adore these brothers.

Rubeus Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid holds the distinction of being the figure who first introduced Harry to the world of wizards. He’s friendly, self-assured, helpful, and devoted. Rubeus Hagrid is the character who taught us that some teachers may be our best friends. He is one of the audience’s favourite characters because of his affection for all of the pupils and his willingness to serve them in any way he can. Due to his relationship with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, Hagrid’s biggest powerful and emotional experiences are still felt. He provided one of the series’ most significant and emotional moments. 

Title- The 15 Best Harry Potter Characters That Everyone Adores


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Written by medhaavi

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