Write For Us Technology
Write For Us Technology

First of all thanks for showing your interest in contributing to our blog.

Geeksmate is looking for enthusiastic writers who want to share their articles on technology. We at geeksmate value each and every one of the writers that we work with. Are you interested in writing for us, no matter who you are, what you do? We always welcome guest authors. So, allow your inner writer to come out and provide people with useful information about technology. We are excited to read all of your thoughts, ideas on the different topics in the technology niche. Check out a few of our guidelines below before submitting your article. 

Topics Suggestions for Guest Posting:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • CryptoCurrency
  • Cloud Computing
  • Internet & Data Security
  • Internet of things (IOT)
  • Technology News and latest updates
  • Programming
  • Blockchain
  • Mobile App
  • Website Design & Development
  • Web Hosting
  • Big Data

Submission Guidelines

Please read our submission guidelines carefully before submitting your article.

  • The length of the article should be 1000+ or more words.  
  • The content should be written entirely in English, as this is what our readers prefer.
  • Bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs should be used to organise the content.
  • The tone of the article should be, useful, informative, and friendly.
  • The image’s resolution must be high, and it must be relevant to the topic.
  • There must be no duplicate content, and the article must be unique and have never been published elsewhere.
  • Before sending your article to us, proofread it. The article must not have any grammatical and spelling mistakes. 
  • The author’s bio must be included in the article.
  • Articles submitted as guest posts cannot be guaranteed to be published on our website. We value the quality of the writing and the message that the content conveys. We may reject a submission if it does not meet our standards in one or both of those areas.

What are the Search Terms Related to Write For Us?

  • technology + “write for us” + guest post
  • Information Technology Write For Us
  • “write for us” Technology
  • technology write for us guest post
  • Technology Write For Us
  • Technology Blog “Write For Us”
  • Write For Us Business Technology
  • Write For Us — Tech News
  • Digital Marketing Write For Us
  • Technology Write For Us — Technology Blog

How to Submit the Article?

After you’ve finished writing your article, you can send it in the form of a Google Document or Word Document at [ sales @ medhaavi.net ] with the proper subject line”Guest Post ” or “Technology Guest Post”.