
Electric Car Battery Life: How Long Do They Last?

Electric vehicles and other EVs gain popularity, more consumers want to make the move. Potential customers would be interested to know how long they can anticipate these vehicles to last as electric cars are a relatively new technology trend. So, let’s find out in this article how long the batteries in electric cars last and more about it. 

The Basics Of Electric Vehicles Batteries 

The Basics Of Electric Vehicles Batteries 

The battery pack of an electric vehicle is typically made up of thousands of rechargeable lithium-ion cells that are connected to one another. Compared to most other battery types, lithium-ion batteries have a significantly higher energy density, which allows them to store more energy in a certain amount of volume. Additionally, they require little to no upkeep and are more effective at discharging their energy. Lithium-ion batteries are effective, but they don’t last endlessly. Batteries deteriorate over time, just as many other components, and their capacity to store energy decreases over time. Because of its high energy density, lithium-ion batteries are perfect for electric cars because they can generate more power relative to their size. Compared to ICE vehicles, EVs are much simpler and more effective because they only use their batteries for power.

How Long Does an Electric Car Battery Last?

How Long Does an Electric Car Battery Last?

For the sake of consumers, the government mandates electric vehicle manufacturers to provide warranties for batteries for eight years or 100,000 miles. As EV battery packs grow more affordable to manufacture, manufacturers are able to make bigger batteries with higher energy potential, which in turn extends their range in miles. Furthermore, the more advanced technology slows down the deterioration of batteries, keeping the maximum potential nearer to that of a brand-new battery over time. And because the mileage range of contemporary batteries has already significantly grown, even as they age, they will continue to have a larger mileage range than batteries from just a few years ago. A lithium-ion battery is rarely required to be replaced in its entirety as it ages because it is made up of numerous individual cells. Rather, merely replacing dead cells will save you money. 

How Long Do EV Batteries Last Compared To ICE Cars?

The average ICE vehicle drivetrain warranty is 5 years or 60,000 miles, but the mandatory warrant for EV batteries is 8 years and 100,000 miles. An ICE vehicle typically goes 133,000 miles over its lifespan. Whereas experts predict that the typical EV battery will last about 200,000 miles, other manufacturers have already made significantly longer promises. With regular upkeep, you can reliably anticipate your EV battery to last as long as or longer than ICE drivetrain components because EV batteries only degrade 2.3% of their maximum capacity annually on average. 

How Does Charging Affect The Lifespan Of An EV Battery?

After knowing how long electric cars batteries last let’s understand how charging affects the lifespan of an electric battery. Although the nature of EV charging cycles frequently occurs over long periods of time, such as overnight, the slower speed of at-home charging rarely exposes itself as an issue, it is still not the fastest way to enhance an EV’s state of charge. Fast chargers are the preferred method for when a speedy charge is required. However, compared to less expensive charging choices, these expensive but handy chargers have a tendency to accelerate the degradation of lithium-ion batteries. Avoiding needless fast charging if you want to prolong your battery pack’s lifespan in your electric vehicle. In times of need, the battery in your EV is more than capable of managing fast charges without you needing to be concerned about its impact on the pack’s internal bits. 

In the same way, it’s advisable to avoid fully charging or fully discharging an EV’s battery. Numerous automakers advise drivers to charge the pack to 85- or 90-percent capacity for ordinary daily use, and many electric cars contain settings to modify the maximum charge level.

How Do You Extend The Life Of An Electric Vehicle’s Battery?

How Do You Extend The Life Of An Electric Vehicle's Battery?

Although EV batteries are already durable, there are particular steps owners may take to further extend battery lifespan.

Adhere The EV Manufacturer’s Guidelines

Firstly, it’s essential to adhere to your EV’s unique guidelines for the best battery performance and maintain the vehicle’s software up to current. Each EV maker will have their own set of ideal operating and charging guidelines because they all use various battery chemistries and cooling technologies.

Keep The Temperature Moderate

Due to reduced operating temperatures, EVs with liquid-cooled batteries see higher battery life retention. An efficient strategy to increase battery life is often to store and use your EV in places with moderate temperatures. As a vehicle spends the majority of its life parked, putting it in a garage or a place that gets plenty of shade can help, even if you live in a warmer place. 

Limit The Use Of Fast Charging

It’s acceptable to occasionally use direct current rapid charging (DCRC) to charge your vehicle, but if you can reduce the frequency of this charging technique, your battery is likely to last longer. And keep in mind: Don’t be frightened to use your EV because battery degeneration isn’t primarily caused by frequent use. 

Recycling Of Electric Vehicle Batteries

Recycling Of Electric Vehicle Batteries

Battery life for electric vehicles is not just a maintenance concern; it also has environmental implications. Even if electric vehicles (EVs) are more environmentally friendly than gas-powered vehicles, the manufacture of new batteries still has an impact on the atmosphere. For instance, lithium-ion batteries require rare earth minerals like nickel, cobalt, and manganese, and EV production may be a factor in the lack of these resources. After they are no longer usable for driving a car, EV batteries can be reused in a variety of ways, such as for home energy storage. A number of automakers are creating their own initiatives to repurposing or recycling of electric vehicle batteries to give another chance to them. To reduce its environmental impact, drivers must carefully consider what happens to their EV battery after its useful life.


There are several electric vehicles available that emit no emissions. Despite the fact that battery life used to be an obstacle for potential EV customers, modern technology has made it possible for EVs to last at least as long as conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. Although a vehicle’s longevity depends on good maintenance and care, other factors including heat, cold, and fast charging times can have a negative impact and lower performance. Therefore, when it comes to charging and regular maintenance, be sure to adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions.

What do you think?

Written by Ishan Mishra

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