Welcome to EVsHost !

If you’re passionate and looking to write an article about electric cars and electric vehicles then this website is for you. We will be happy to give you a voice to share your thoughts, experiences, information about electric cars and electric vehicles. Before writing and submitting your article please fulfill our submission guidelines. 

Write For Us EVs
Write For Us EVs


  • Topic and Titles: The topic and title of the article must be related to electric cars and electric vehicles.
  • Article quality and length: The article must be unique, knowledgeable, inspiring, and hopeful that will be easy for our readers to grasp. Make sure the length of the article will be more than 1000 words.
  • Images: Images that are submitted must be licensed, original, and high-quality. 
  • Plagiarism free: Before submitting the article make sure that your article is not copied from other websites, check spell and grammar mistakes.
  • Selling stuff: We will never accept the content which is written to sell products/services or advertorials. It can not be promotional. 
  • Short paragraph and subheadings: Ensure to write an article that contains short paragraphs and subheadings so that our audience will not be bored while reading and easily digest your content.

Also, do not forget to give your short bio, photo, and your site link, we will provide this at the end of the article. Send us the article to the given email address in the form of Google Document or word document with the proper subject line. We will not publish every article. Our editorial team reviews the article and publishes only those content which is considered for publication. Once your article is published you can’t publish that article on any other site or blog.    

Please send us your article at [ sales@ medhaavi.net ].